We reuse, reduce and recycle at WB Services

  • We employ a fresh, common-sense approach to our responsibility to the environment
  • Using the waste product from our manufacturing process we are able to heat our workshop, printing facility and office
  • We only send 5% of our waste to landfill – and we think that is too high
  • Bringing down our carbon footprint is very important to us. We have invested in the latest energy star-rated technology to help us become more environmentally-friendly


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About us

Brintons carpet tombola displayHello and welcome.

My name is Wayne Blythe and, together with my wife Linda, I established WB Services in 2009 using my extensive experience in the carpet display trade.

Following the success of our carpet display arm of the business we launched our CNC wood cutting and printing sections of the company, and now we find ourselves with many different and unusual projects to work on at any one time. It means our work is incredibly varied, which is great for us - and our clients! They know we can turn our hand to anything.

Our clients receive a level of service and attention to detail which we think is pretty rare in today’s world.

I am always thinking of new ideas for our customers, looking for ways round the challenges which come up. I like finding solutions to issues and always providing the best service for each and every client. Many businesses say it, but we genuinely do pride ourselves on our competitive, professional and friendly service.

I can work from a sketch on a piece of paper and turn it into a 3D visual using computer-aided design (CAD) software, create a prototype and bring the product to final production in a fraction of the time it would take some of the larger companies.

Many clients choose to use our full service, which includes design, manufacture, branding and installation.

I have always loved making things and working with my hands. This, together with our absolute dedication to providing the best possible service for our clients, means we are lucky enough to have a very loyal customer base, many of whom I have been working with for nearly 20 years.

I, and all the team at WB Services, look forward to welcoming you as one of our clients and working together to turn your project into reality.

Wayne, Linda and Rhys Blythe